I did 30 laps in the pool yesterday and 50 today. Felt pretty good and would have gone longer but I had some errands to run this evening.
Yesterday I was the king of Mundania – groceries, laundry, and house cleaning. I called my dad while I was getting groceries and talked a little about the service and he gave essentially the same answer as mom as to why he didn’t go. Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected. He told me I was strong, which was nice to hear, I guess.
Today, as I leaving the gym, Jeff’s sister called. He hadn’t updated anything and I was still listed as the beneficiary. Which is not great. I figured that I would settle up with his siblings the money that he had owed me, reclaim a few items from the apartment, and then get busy healing. Now, it seems I’m still right in the middle of things.
Wait… apparently my next door neighbor is playing the bagpipes on his front lawn. No idea why. …. Okay, he’s stopped now.
So, anyway, I need to get a lawyer and try and sort things out. Other that the money he had owed me, I don’t want any of this – nor the hassle. By rights, this should all have gone to his family and I’m going to do what I can to make that happen.
I guess he thought he had plenty of time. Or that things would go back to the way they were. Just kind of makes me heartsick that he wasn’t able to move on at all.