I was back at work on Friday and the day helped me keep my mind off things.  That evening, I called my sister to find out how the ultrasound had gone.  It went well and they are having another girl.

I also told her that I was a little disappointed that no one from my family came to the service for Jeff.  She said that she didn’t realize that I wanted them to and that it would  have been awkward.

I talked to my mom later that evening and… well, that was not a conversation that I really enjoyed.   It was educational in a way, but kind of terrible.  The less said about that, the better – I guess.  I haven’t talked to my dad since before the visitation/service – don’t know his take on things.  They sent flowers – which was nice – but I really wish they had been there as well.

So, Friday was a bit of  downer – though I did get a mile in the pool.   Saturday was better.  I invited myself to help one of my friends walk his two dogs.  I got to check out the nearby park and we went for coffee/hot chocolate at starbucks.  While at starbucks, I made a paper crane for a little girl – she was pretty excited.   A lady got her coffee, left, then came back and put her hand on my friend’s shoulder  – and told him that he had a big  heart she could see from outside.  She then thanked him for being him and left.  A little strange, but pretty cool.    She didn’t acknowledge in the least – I guess my heart is as black as coal or something. At least she she didn’t try and put a curse on me – that I know of.

That evening, I met up with more friends for a trip to the season opener for the  Rubber City Rollergirls Roller Derby.  It was the first time I had gone to one of these and it was fun, but I had a difficult time following the rules.   They all had cool names – Jennacide, Shady Gaga, Dixie Von Doom and for all the knock downs, they seemed to be having fun.  Even the refs had cool names – the best was  The Goodyear Pimp.

We left partway though the second bout and went to Lockview restaurant.  They served gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches (not really my thing), but one version had mozzerella and pepperoni that I got without tommatos – it was pretty much a pizza sandwich and that suited me just fine.    The conversation was excellent and I had a lot of fun.   Afterwards, we went to a nightclub.  It was okay, but by this point I was pretty tired and didn’t stay too long.

This evening, I’m meeting up with a co-worker to have dinner with he and his family.  Or at least I hope so – this family has the most complicated schedule I’ve ever seen. This will be the third time we’ve rescheduled.  Looking forward to it and I hope thing work out.

So, when people ask me how I’m going, the answer I’m giving is that I’m hanging in there.  I know that over time the little moments of sadness will stop surprising me and that I’ll stop getting a twinge when I go near his apartment.

I’m going to do a little house cleaning today and maybe think about buying some paint.  Little projects to keep me busy is the way to go.