
On February 16, 2013, I participated in the 10th Annual Portage Lakes Polar Bear Jump to benefit the Akron Canton Regional Food bank. I raised $185 to help out and overall over $80,000 was raised. Details are in the blog, below are a few pictures from the event.

Standing in front of the lake, all bundled up against the cold. Note all the ice behind me.

Time to get ready. Note the helpful, "Your pants are over here, stupid" flag. And my equally helpful friends who kept track of clothes and glasses.

What else was I supposed to do? Take myself seriously? I'm wearing blue speedos on a beach in the dead of winter. You do the math.

Walking the plank. Yes, it felt a little like that. But it was also exciting. And cold. So very cold. But not as cold as it was about to be.

Jumped, surfaced, and now getting to the shore as quickly as I could. Colder than I had ever experienced. This is just after the jump and just before I tried to see if I could go faster swimming.

The expression on my face pretty well captures the moment.