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reluctant memories

The “Memories” function on Facebook can be a little hit or miss.  While it’s fun to sometimes see the jokes that Jim and I have shared, most of the memories that come up for me are my re-posted haikus.  I’ve pretty well saturated my timeline with those since I do one everyday.

Sometimes, the memories are…less than fun.

Since December, Facebook has been pushing the posts I made from 10 years ago – when I broke my elbow.

Or, as the ER doctor said, “obliterated”.

Since I was out shoveling the driveway again today I’ve clearly recovered, but it wasn’t a fun time. I was in a lot of pain before and after the surgery and while the physical therapy wasn’t too bad, the “rack” I had to use to stretch my arm out was awful. 

I never got my full range of motion back and when it is cold and damp out my elbow will ache.

On the bright side, my friends and family said many kind and encouraging things to me.  So, the memory itself isn’t great, but the comments are.

It’s odd how our minds work.  A picture, a phrase, even a date – and the full-technicolor stereo surround sound memory springs back into the mind’s-eye as though it was yesterday.

Instead of 10 years ago.

I didn’t re-share these memories – didn’t really want to dredge them back up though I know there would be new -equally kind – comments. 

Better to let this slip back into the past and be thankful that it wasn’t any worse. 

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