Site icon Thunder of Wade

dangerous love, small tasks, destiny calls

Thunder(cat) is back home and mostly back to his old self. He’s not quite as quick when running around the house, but he’s jumping on things and intensely observing the neighborhood.

He’s also back to his old approach to belly rubs. When he was sick, he was too tired to put up any kind of response to contact and would pretty much just lay there.

Now, though, we’re back to the danger zone. The belly rubs must be carefully timed. Too much, and he wants to end it. Too short, and he wants it to continue. Either way, the claws come out to enforce his will and my reflexes are no longer up to par.

He’s nailed me a couple times – enough to draw blood. Not a lot, mind you, and a little cleanup with soap, water, and hand sanitizer gets me back in the game.

Jim thinks my cat and I are co-dependent, I think that Thunder is just a cat and that’s how he rolls. Either way, I’m glad my little buddy is better – even if it means he’s more dangerous.


While Jim was on vacation and then when I was home with Thunder, I kept myself busy with a number of small tasks. These were things I had been putting off for no real reason and I got a great deal of satisfaction in getting them done. Even if none of them amounted to much. Did some filing, cleaned and re-arranged my living room. ripped some CDs, etc.

It reminded me a bit of being on the switchboard for the university. Each of the calls is like a little task. Help one person with their question – move on to the next.

You find the fun, and Snap! the job’s a game… wait, no, not really. But it does feel good to accomplish things – even small ones.

I also took a little time to make some flowers for Jim and an origami appreciator at work. Roses, six each, on some cheap-ass plastic stems. The roses don’t really work on their own and usually require soaking in water to hold their shape – plus some hot melt glue and a stem. I’ll post a pic one of these days – I think they turned out well.


Last week, I picked up Destiny for the playstation 3. It’s a First Person Shooter (FPS) set on different planets in our solar system far in the future. The plot is a little thin and there’s quite a bit of grinding to level up – but oh my gosh is it fun. Fast paced, lots of evil aliens and robots to be smacked down, and LoooooooT!

Added bonus – you can get teamed up with other players and not have to listen to them talk! I was in a team up earlier today and after a terrific battle I had my character do a little dance.

The other two players had the “…” above their heads – signifying they were looking at their menus. It was the equivalent of hitting a home run, rounding home plate, and having all the rest of the players looking at their phones.

Ah, well, I had fun.

It hasn’t creeped into my dreams yet, fortunately. Only a matter of time, though.


And it’s also time, I think, to get in a couple quick rounds before heading to bed. Somebody’s got to save the solar system and I think I’m the man for the job.

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