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story problem

I usually avoid using names in my blog because some folks don’t like having their names in there and I try to respect that. Jim says he doesn’t mind. 🙂

In this case, I’m going to have to use names because it’s just too freaking complicated not to.


The Ladies From New York Who Are Heading Back To New York are: Louise (The Younger) and her mom Edna (The Elder). Louise’s sister, Etta, is coordinating the move.

Etta called me the other day and said that the place where her mom and sister are moving to is requesting an interview with them before they move in. Since that would require another trip to New York, a virtual interview would work. And could I help with the technology?

Here’s where things get complicated.

Etta has an iPhone and can only use Facetime – an Apple-only product. Louise has a “non-smart” flip phone. I have only Google/Android options. Louise and Edna don’t have internet.

I can borrow an ipad from Jim, but he doesn’t have cellular service on it. He’s got it on his phone, but he needs his phone for class on Tuesday night. I have internet at my house, but Etta doesn’t want Louise to leave Edna home by herself for that long. The only time they can do the interview is 7:00 pm on a Tuesday night.

So, my plan is to do a trial run with Etta tomorrow night with the ipad at my house to check out Facetime. That puts it on my network and we won’t be using up data. If everything goes according to plan… then, on Tuesday, I’ll borrow Jim’s iPad again while he’s in class. I’ll take Edna and Louise out to dinner after work – then take them over to my house. Louise can use the Ipad for the interview and Edna and I can watch TV and see just how loud my sound system will go.

However, Etta doesn’t think Edna will go for the dinner and then hanging out at my place. So, if that falls through because of OLS (old lady stubborn), then we’ll need to see if we can either get cellular service turned on for Jim’s iPad for the short term or get the software he needs installed for class on the ipad and use his phone. And then I’ll pay for the data this little adventure will eat up.

And I’m wondering…

Why does this have to be a video interview? What’s to be gained with the Facetime that you can’t get with just a phone call?


Etta is going to check in with them this evening and see if she can persuade Edna to go along with being chauffeured around and provided free dinner. If not, I’ll need to figure how how fast the train is moving if it leaves from Tampa and it takes 3 hours and 27 minutes to get to Orlando.

Or something.

I really do want to help – just wishing it wasn’t quite so complicated.

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