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I had a couple of tasks the other evening – paying bills and folding flowers.

The bills were expected – medical bills, car payment, and mortgage.

The flowers were an unexpected project – for a friend who’s mother had just passed away. I knew her mom, a little, but by the time I got to meet her she was already starting to… fade. And when we lost her, I made flowers. It’s kinda what I do.

For everything, there’s a little bit of paper to be folded and for funerals – it’s lilies.

They turned out well:

but even as much as I enjoy making these for people – and bringing maybe a little bit of joy to a sad time – I always remember all the others that I’ve made lilies for.

So, I folded and paid my bills. And as I got the stamps ready to go, I noted on them the word “forever”.

How strange that a sticky piece of paper can be something “forever” and the important people in our lives are so much shorter than that. Seems unfair.

The calling hours were today and I got to give my flowers away. They bought a smile – as they were intended to do – and will maybe bring some comfort in the days to come.

The fresh cut flowers at the funeral home won’t last more than a few days. My lilies will last much longer, but even paper doesn’t last forever.

What does last are our memories of the people that pass in and out of our lives. And those memories will bring smiles in the sad times – as they are intended to do.

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