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all about that brace, progress

So, I’ve got my elbow brace. And it’s miserable. I mean, yeah, it’s working and I can handle the pain that goes with it, but it’s miserable to use.

1. It’s too short. My torso is kinda long and I have to hunch over to rest my arm in the brace. I still haven’t worked out the right base to add to it to get it high enough to not hurt my back.

2. The gauge is on the wrong side so I can’t see it to track my progress – and keep me motivated.

3. The frame is either loose around my arm or digging into my skin enough to leave marks. It just doesn’t fit very well.

And it’s boring. Super intensely over the top boring. And I’m in there for 2 hours a day.

On the bright side, it’s working. At least a little, according to my physical therapist. And, unrelated to the brace, my hand strength is almost back to normal. Along with that, I’ve regained enough arm strength to drag my ass out of the pool without using the ladder.

Before I get on the rack again tonight, I’m going to try some push-ups. At one point, I could do 100 without stopping – but I’m a long way from there. If I can do one, I’ll be pleased.

It’s all just so damn slow…

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