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Polar Bear Jump 2015

[Event photos here]

This was my third year participating in the Portage Lakes Polar Bear jump and I was getting more and more excited as we go closer to the destination and the jump time.

We saw people we knew right as we arrived at the lake around 12:30 and it made the event feel even more like a community. A community of people of varying degrees of crazy, but still.

Met up with my fellow jumper – George, in his kilt – and headed through the snow to the beach. The crew was working to keep the hole in the ice from freezing over with shovels and heaters and we watched as snow mobiles raced across the lake. The day was warmer than we’d had recently, but the snow was coming down heavy and we soon lost site of the other side of the lake.

We enjoyed the music and chatted for a bit and at 1:45, I decided it was “time to get stupid” – and I stripped down to my speedos. Blue, square-cut – very tasteful.

Most folks were still bundled up, but I figured that if I was going to do this, I needed to do it up right. I walked around a bit and found some other people I knew – and then a woman walked up and said she was from the Beacon Journal and wanted to interview me.

I talked to her for a bit, then went back and found my friends at the edge of the lake in time for the Star Spangled Banner – and the launch of a quad-coptor.

The Very Important Bears (VIBs) jumped in and it was time for me to get ready. I left my friends with cameras ready, and headed for the jumping area.

Then, the moment of truth. I took a deep breath… and jumped. I was in the air for a fraction of a second and then I hit the water.


Just… cold. Beyond any other cold of the entire winter. Outer space cold.

Let’s do this!

I surfaced and immediately began to power my way to the ladder – swimming with remarkably good form. I struggled a little with the ladder since my left arm is still weak, but got out of the water. Someone asked me how it was and I replied, “Brisk”

I was almost back at the tent area when someone with a video camera tried to interview me. They asked how the water was and I gave a more truthful – “Cold!”. They tried to ask me something else and I shook my head and said, “Sorry, gotta go!” and headed out.

Dressed and back at the edge of the lake, we waited until it was time for George to jump. He had a pretty loud cheering section and nearly forgot to hold down the front of his kilt as he jumped.

After he was dressed in a fresh kilt and warmed up a bit, we said our good byes and headed out. I got a hot chocolate on the way and then spent some quality time at home with my feet in the tub.

I raised over $240 myself and the event cleared over $100,000 raised with over 700 people participating.

Special thanks to Dennis, Scott, George, and Jim for joining me on the cold winter day and getting great photos. And especially to Jim for keeping track of my gear and looking out for me.

Next year? Hmmmm…

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