Site icon Thunder of Wade

unlikely injury, versions of me

I managed to hurt myself yesterday.

In the pool.

I was swimming, as one usually does in the pool, and I got distracted by… something. It was all in my head because there was nothing else in the lane, but it was enough to throw me off. I got started again and misjudged the wall on approach. I hit it with my left hand and jammed my pinky and ring fingers. It hurt, but I shrugged it off and kept going.

I didn’t really pay much attention to it the rest of the day but it really started hurting me last night – enough to wake me from a sound sleep. I was better this morning and it hasn’t slowed down my typing or folding – so I guess I’m okay. Really odd though, especially on the heels of the dog bite on my right hand last weekend.

Clearly, I need to be more careful.  Or at least pay better attention to my surroundings.


In an odd little recursive way, I’m in a video game.

I’ve got a game on my phone called Tiny Tower Vegas. The object is to build a tower floor by floor and populate it with random characters to live and work in the tower. The “bitizens” are assigned random names and skills – and an Anthony Wade showed up one day with a dream job to work at the Crusty Crab.  Yes, the Crusty Crab.


On occasion, he also posts on their version of Facebook – called “bitbook”. Here’s his latest post, I’m assuming the RNG refers to Random Number Generator.


And now, I’m posting this to my blog – which in turn is posted to the real world Facebook.

Well, if you can call Facebook the “real world”.

This seems pretty odd – even for me.  And I’m kind of known for odd.

Anyway, he’s safe from being fired from the Crusty Crab.  If your virtual clone can’t trust you, who can?

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