Site icon Thunder of Wade

fractured spirit, bite, games, donation

A rough few days at work had me cranky recently. I’ve normally got a pretty good “poker voice”, but my frustration was starting to be audible on the phone – enough that people commented on it. I felt like my passion for doing good work on our little part of the internet was being drown out by some not-great requests from my users. And yes, I’m being polite.

I kinda had my spirit fractured for a few days and stopped caring about some of the decisions I was seeing. Ended up making some not-great changes to the sites and my standard ‘advise and suggest’ method went right out the window.

I got better towards the end of the week – everything is better on Friday – but I’m not looking forward to Monday. Gotta figure out a way to either get my mojo back – or just give up the rest of the way.


Got together with some friends yesterday for snacks and games. They have a big dog that came bounding up to me in what seemed like a friendly way when I walked in. I had my hand slightly out in a loose fist – knuckles up – so he could smell me. Instead, he opened his gigantic jaws and put most of my hand in his mouth – and bit me.

I wasn’t really scared, just a little shaken, and managed to stay calm and still until he was called off. He broke the skin in several spots and I was starting to bleed a bit so I got my hand washed off and bandaged up. My hand swelled a bit and hurt a bit, but not as bad as if I’d tried to pull away. It’s still a little sore today, but I’m much better. Haven’t done any paper folding, though – and I’m starting to go into origami withdrawal.

I felt bad for the dog, actually. I must have scared him – or maybe smelled odd – and he just reacted. I hope to get another chance to make friends with him soon – and next time, I’m bringing treats.


A sore hand didn’t stop me from kicking some major ass during the games. We played a trivia game that kept coming up with science and technology questions. I mean, one of the cards had HTML all over it! Towards the end, the cards were coming up art and history – not my strong areas – but by that point my team had it in the bag.

I’m not naturally a social person – perfectly fine with a book or high-speed internet – but it was a lot of fun to hang out with friends and enjoy some really great conversation.  And by “great” – I mean irreverent and bawdy.  🙂


Went and gave blood today – a double-red donation. I didn’t have any trouble – which is usual for me – but the technician noted that my iron levels were up. Too many black beans and spinach in my salad, I guess. Donating blood is actually a good way to keep the iron levels under control, but it may be something to look into. Or I’m just going to become magnetic.

Which would be awesome.

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