Site icon Thunder of Wade

make a difference day, short escape, electronic goodnight

On Saturday, I was on campus for Make A Difference Day. The coordinator for the program had volunteered to help with our ornament creation project and we had a roomful of students busily working on arts and crafts. I did some origami, tried to keep the glitter glue under control – and did the heavy lifting when it was time to clean-up. It was a lot of work, but I’m glad we did it. My committee for work will be sending lots of ornaments to troops overseas and I’m glad we could contribute.

Since it was such a nice day, I got outside and did some yardwork when I got home.  I was in and out of the house and Thunder(cat) decided to make his move. The screen door was just a little too slow to close and he darted out into the backyard. I was right there and went after him – swearing all the way. He stopped a few feet out into the yard – as though stunned that it had worked – and I caught him. He didn’t seem too upset, but did try a couple more times for the door.

I dunno what I’d do without my little furry buddy, but I luckily didn’t have to find out. We’ve been keeping an extra eye on each other since then – him waiting for an opportunity for mischief and me waiting for the inevitable mischief. It’s kinda like the cold war. Except, you know, on a much smaller scale.  And with a cat.


He kept me company for a bit this evening as I played a game on my phone. I’m not a heavy phone user and can sometimes go without charging it over-night. When this happens, I’ll run the battery all the way down to help condition it on the second day. I dunno if that’s still a thing – but it seems like a good idea.

I did this one night last week and played a game for a bit. When I’d been warned a couple of times that my battery was almost gone, I switched over to youtube and watched videos until it was done. In the middle of a video, the battery finally gave out.

The screen darkened. a light blinked, and with a final buzz the phone sang a little four note song and shut down.

The CD player in the other room had finished up, the laundry was long done, and the furnace was quiet. I sat in the still and darkened house and reflected for a moment.

When I manually put the phone to sleep, it does the same thing. And I could hold the button and start it right back up. When the battery dies, there’s no coming back until I’ve charged it again.

So, when my time finally comes – hopefully many years down the road – I’m hoping I go out with as much dignity as my phone. A little shiver, the light fading from my eyes, and then a little song before my own battery dies.

I don’t know what put me in such a maudlin (vocab word!) mood – perhaps it was the quiet of the night and the peaceful silence.

My phone tonight it at 58% and in an hour or so I’ll manually power it off to sleep on the charger. Tomorrow, we’ll wake up and face the day. And maybe we’ll sing a little song as we do so.

Fitting, perhaps, that it sings the same song as it dies, sleeps, and wakes again. We humans should all be so lucky.

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