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lazy (revisited), naked

When I write a post, I usually throw some occasionally misleading keywords into the title – and then write my post about those.

Last time, I put “lazy” in the title and was apparently too lazy to even write about it.

Sunday morning was an incredibly lazy time. Now, I’m generally not good at napping or sitting quietly and doing nothing – I’ve usually either got a book, some paper to fold, or a game going. Or I’m, you know, thinking really hard about something. I don’t go into “idle” mode very easily.

But I was freaking Idle on Sunday morning. I did the mental equivalent of glancing at the idea of doing some laundry, but I mostly just vegged out. I read a book, then took a break from that to play a video game. Then reversed that. And then, for a few minutes, I did nothing. Just stretched out on the couch and got as close as I ever do to meditating. I should have just gone full out and actually meditated – but it seemed like too much work.

Just a few minutes of awake non-activity.

It was damn weird. I didn’t care for it and I’m not likely to repeat it.


Today, after my swim at lunch, I headed back to my locker to get dressed. I usually take a shower after the swim and I think it’s a hassle to have to worry about the towel. So, my trip through the locker room is usually naked and damp. Which is not a big deal except that my habit of going to the pool at same time and getting the same locker happens to coincidence with the new VP for our division doing the same thing. I’ve met him three times before in various meetings and he still doesn’t know me – though I think this time may have been hampered by the fact that I was naked. I re-introduced myself while he was moving his stuff out of the way so I could get to my locker. He made a comment about still not knowing everyone in the division and I said something to the effect that I’m “usually not this damp”.

Which, given the mental stress and circumstances – was damn clever.

I got my locker open and quickly used the shammy to dry myself off. Not a lot of coverage with a shammy, but it does work fast. I was mostly dressed by the time he headed out.

Now, I’m not a prude by any means and I’m perfectly fine being naked in a socially appropriate setting – but this really pushed the limits of keeping my cool. In fact, I was flustered enough that I missed the deodorant step and had to untuck my shirt and apply before heading out.

He seems like a nice guy and I wish he would remember me so that when I do run into him at the pool, we can finally get past the awkward introduction phase.

If this keeps up, I’m going to run into him in the hallway and all he’s going to have is, “Hey, you’re the guy from the pool with a penis,”

And that, my friends, is not the kind of impression I want to leave the VP with.

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