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199 miles, double red, source button

On Friday, I hit 199 miles in the pool for the year. Granted, that’s not much for a professional swimmer – but I feel pretty good about it. This week, I’ll hit my goal of 200… and then keep going. I’ll reset the counter in January, but for now I’m still going strong.

I was off work today and went to donate blood. I was signed up for a double red and when I got there I realized that the person in the donor area ahead of me was my former boss. We chatted for a bit, then he finished his donation and I was up. I didn’t have any trouble, but at the end the technician said the saline and plasma wasn’t going in properly. Either he had mis-positioned the needle when he started – or I had been squeezing too hard.

Clearly, I was just too damn powerful for the machine. Yes! As a result, I didn’t get back all the fluids I would normally have gotten and was told to triple up on my intake today.

I was fine – but a guy at another station ran into trouble. He passed out as he was finishing up his donation. They were a few moments waking him back up, but he was fine. A little intense, but nothing to scare me off for next time. And I think that next time will put me at 9 gallons. What do you know? Milestones left and right.

Finally, I stopped off to see the Ladies from New York. They were doing well, but unable to watch DVD’s on their TV. Instead of the usual re-wiring or TV setup I usually do – this “repair” just involved showing them the Source button on the remote. (they had been trying to get to this from the menu).

I think they felt a little silly about this, but I didn’t mind – it was nice to see them again. And they gave me some orange soda and a bottle of water for the road to help me with my fluids.

So, that was my weekend. Pretty quiet – and I need it too. Short week at work coming up, but a busy one. Going to hit the sack early – provided I don’t get too hung up in smacking monsters in Diablo.

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