This weekend, a few of my friends and I went to the Highland Square neighborhood in Akron for a art and music fest. There were booths set up selling prints, knitted hats, and even origami (the origami was a little disappointing, but they were trying). In the walking around, I saw three women dressed as gypsies – except that they had white skull makeup on their faces. Now, I work at a university, so I’m used to the unusual. But this was way out of any context and I couldn’t figure out why three of them and why at the art festival.
A little later on, we saw more of them on a stage area along with a sign about a local school of dance. They proceeded to preform the most laid-back belly dance in existence. Being undead may have had something to do with it – though why they were undead was a mystery. We watched for a little bit after lunch at the Swenson’s food truck, then headed out.
I sort of mentally keep track of the weirdest thing I see in a day and this stayed right at the top all day.
Spent much of the weekend hanging out with friends and working on projects – and playing Diablo. I beat the game again with a new character – the Wizard – and I gave that Prime Evil a sound thrashing. The downside was that I knew how it was going to end (though why nobody thought to go after Adria is beyond me – hello? She’s betrayed us twice now.)
The best part was that Thunder(cat) crawled under my desk while I was playing and fell asleep on my feet. Awwww…
I’ve moved into my office today and I’m at a seated desk until my new standing desk comes in. It’s weird in a lot of ways, but it’s good too.