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the heat, the braxton, the cat, the office

Went and saw the movie “The Heat” last weekend at the second run theater. Not generally my style of humor, but funny. I think I learned some new swear words too – or at least some new combinations.

Listening to a little old-school Toni Braxton recently in my car. That girl has ISSUES. Or perhaps I should say “gurrrrl”, given that her voice is deeper than mine and the sub-sonics from the speakers threatened to shake my car apart. Good stuff, though.

Last night, I had a dream that my mom kept letting my cat out of the house. I kept telling her, “He’ll run off and doesn’t always come when I call!”
I managed to find him each time, but it was clear he’d been in a couple of fights while out in the woods. This morning, when I woke up and went downstairs in the dark, I stepped on him. He let out a shriek and was gone like an extra-dark shadow. Clearly, I should have gotten a lighter colored cat if I’m going to walk around in the dark. Wait, was that racist or practical?
Anyway, he’s fine and we’re still buddies.

In other news… I’m getting an office. One of my colleagues is transferring to our group and I’m moving out of my cubicle and into a small office. I’ll have to share it with our student assistant but it’s still pretty cool. The plan is to have me moved by Monday.  I came back in last evening and did some work – just a bit more to do today and then a little cleaning to get it ready.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend hanging out with friends.  And my buddy Diablo.

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