I’ve been playing a lot of Diablo 3 and it is wicked fun. I’ve been steadily kicking some ass in this game and really enjoying the visuals, the gameplay, and the intensity. Every so often the game changes up and the tables get turned. And then a monster walks up to me and goes, “Excuse me, sir? Here’s your ass. On a platter. Have a nice day,”. So, I back-track a bit, level up, and then go kick their ass.
The twang of the bowstrings of my dual wielded crossbows. A crack and a whiff of ozone as the electrified and explosive bola shots streak though the air. The satisfying shriek of monstrous anger when they find their mark and explode. And the inevitable “gibletting” of the forces of evil. It’s good to be a demon hunter.
So, a new word came up for me and I’ve going to start trying to work it into my conversations:
Time travel reference, naturally. From a little game called Cookie Clicker. I haven’t decided what it means yet, but it “feels” like it might be totally immersive deja vu. Like the movie “Groundhog Day”, maybe. Say it with me, “Yestermorrow”. Ah, yeah, there’s the stuff. I’m maybe going to try and put together a list of words I can find for describing time travel – should be fun.
YesterDAY, I finished mile number 177 for the year in the pool. Feels like I’m in the home stretch and I’ll easily exceed my goal of 200. I could even take a day off, but then I think – Would Jay Martinez take a day off? Nope, he’d have a ViShake or something and go out there and run. Would Jeanne DeBonis take a break? Nope, she’d be out there on her bike on crutches if that’s what it took. Not actually sure how that would work, but she’d do it.
I’m getting stronger and there are fewer college students that can outswim me anymore. Pretty much the swim team are the only ones that can make me look bad in the short term – but I bet I could outdistance them.
In other news… it was suggested to me that I should have named my cat Wasabi – since with the love comes some inevitable pain. Thunder(cat) is actually getting better about not drawing blood – or I’m getting quicker – but it still might work as a middle name for him. Thunder Wasabi (cat). Yep, it works.
I also came up with some other clever pet names that could work for trendy pet stores. MUTTazuma and CleoCATra. You’re welcome.
In music news… I got stuck in traffic yesterday. Rather than swear or turn on talk radio, I rolled down the windows and fired up Brave by Sara Bareilles and sang along with her. If there’s ever a song to be belted out without fear of what people think, that would be the song.
Today it’s a little C2C in the headphones at work before the meetings start. Wish me luck.