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littlest godzilla fan, dunk tank prequel

I keep in touch with my former co-worker and his family – they are all great and a lot of fun. On a previous visit I learned that one of his daughters – just now age three – is a huge fan of Godzilla. Pretty much anything and everything Godzilla. So, for her birthday, I checked out Toys R Us and found a set of Godzilla characters in a Chibi style – sort of mini+cute+slightly deformed. We got to see the crew at breakfast last weekend because we had missed her birthday. When she opened up the giftbag and realized what they were, she literally squealed with delight. She hopped up and down in her booster seat at IHOP like it was the best present ever. 🙂 We got the figures out of the package and she played with them while she ate her breakfast – Mothra was her favorite.

On the way out, I threw away the gift receipt – no way she was returning those. Not sure how she got started with Godzilla, but I’m happy to encourage her.

In other news… I got contacted by a fellow committee member at work recently with a request. This weekend in the Faculty/Staff picnic and the homecoming football game. I hadn’t planned on going, but they needed volunteers for the dunk tank and thought of me.

So, apparently, I have a reputation for being more than a little out there – and I guess it’s well deserved because I didn’t have to think about it long before I said yes. It’s a 15 minute shift in the tank and then on with the picnic. Should be fun.

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