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light in the attic, warm kitty, onion, diablo 3

light in the attic, warm kitty, onion, diablo 3

Since I’ve lived in my house, the house behind my backyard (separated by a tall fence) has been vacant. Even in the short time I’ve lived here, the house has fallen on further disarray and a drive around the block showed that it was getting worse all around. I’ve sort of figured that it gave me a little more privacy and didn’t really think much of it.

Until, a few weeks ago, a light came on in the attic. No shade or fixture, and not even a window, the bare bulb was unnerving. There was no other activity or signs of habitation – just this one light, shining all night after night from the attic.

Finally, I started hearing and seeing signs of construction and repair. There’s still a long way to go, but at least someone [human, I hope] is working on it.

In other strange happenings at night… my cat actually snuggled with me last night. He will usually check in on me sometime at night, step directly on my junk, then wander off to do cat things. Last night, perhaps because it was a bit chilly and I generate a lot of body heat, Thunder(cat) settled in and stayed in one spot most of the night. Even when I got up to use the bathroom he stayed right where he was and I had to move around him. It was pretty nice – and he didn’t step on my junk, which was even better.

My good mode at the warm kitty was broken when I got into work and quickly got a headache. It didn’t get better at lunch because someone slipped an onion fragment into the lettuce and it contaminated my salad. Really, why do people even put those things on a salad bar anywhere near the lettuce? Just asking for trouble.

Finally, my copy of Diablo 3 should be here any day. I put it off long enough, Tristram needs me and the Prime Evils need their collective asses kicked.

And I’m the man to do it.

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