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Hilton Head vacation: 2: Pop-tarts, Checking in on T-Cat, Savannah

Up bright and early on Monday morning and back to the ocean for another swim. And that was after a breakfast on the balcony of pop-tarts and a fresh peach – great way to start the day.

We did the tourist thing in the afternoon and were going to meet up with the rest of the crew for dinner. Just as we were about to pay the $5.00 fee to go on the part of the island where the restaurant was, we got a text with a change of plans. Very close call. We drove through the rain and a couple of swampy parking lots before we got to the newly chosen restaurant. Mexican food and very well done – though everyone at our table (and the table next to ours) wanted some kind of exception to what was on the menu. We’re Ohioans, after all.   A little pricey, but good.

After dinner I fired up my phone and checked in with my cat’s caretakers. He was doing well and I was relieved – then I turned my phone off again. I really tried to avoid electronics this trip and did pretty well – though I didn’t go “cold turkey” like I had hoped.  Though I didn’t do anything work related – thankfully.

Tuesday morning I fought the ocean and got in a swim – though the current was so strong I actually lost ground. It was overcast so we decided to go to Savannah that afternoon instead of back to the beach. We explored the riverfront area and saw a HUGE cargo ship come in. Dinner was at Spanky’s Spuds – and the Spuds are very much like Jo-jos around here. I picked up some souvenirs and the book “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” and we headed back to the condo.

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