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Hilton Head vacation: 1: Fire alarms, Cranky pants, Native Cuisine

We left for a vacation in Hilton Head on Friday the 13th (yikes!) and drove for about 800 years. Or at least it seemed like it, especially when I didn’t eat on my regular schedule. I tend to get pretty cranky when my food clock is disrupted. And I was already missing Thunder(cat).

Finally got to the hotel room in Charlotte and settled in for a good night’s sleep. Which was disrupted the next morning by a fire alarm in the hotel. I got dressed quickly and we headed downstairs to find it was a burned waffle – but the staff couldn’t turn off the alarm. So, instead of just standing around outside, we headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. And some jerk-bag was conducting a meeting one section over. And she was loud. The manager wouldn’t say anything to her, so I confronted her and told her that her voice was carrying. She toned it down for a few minutes, then forgot and started shouting again. Breakfast was finished quickly.

Back on the road and finally made it to HH. We had to kill some time before the rest of the condo-mates arrived so we hung out in some deeply pretentious outlet stores and visited the statue of King Neptune. Made me look forward to swimming in the ocean. Once we were checked in and unpacked we had some pizza and explored the complex of condos. Nice place, though a bit of a maze.  Oh, and the door had a keypad instead of a key.  Made it a lot easier to come and go to the beach without worrying about keys – once we memorized the code (671044)

On Sunday we hit the beach and I swam in the ocean. I was not the only one rocking a speedo on the beach this trip – but I was the only really putting it to use in the water. For dinner that evening, we went to the Crazy Crab and I got the Low Country Shrimp Boil. Peel and eat shrimp, red potatoes, and corn on the cob. I felt like a native – though I was a mess when I was done.  I even asked the waiter for a better technique, but he said the best way was to just go to it.

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