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152, minecraft party, log, school

I finished mile number 152 in the pool on Friday. Feels like I’m in the downhill stretch – though 48 miles is still along way to go.

Got invited to a minecraft themed party today – so, yesterday I bought some paper and made little minecraft blocks for the birthday boy out of paper. I think he liked the legos he got from everyone else better – and I can’t really fault him for that. It was a fun project and I’ll have some pictures on tumblr shortly.

The birthday boy’s dad had a project for us as well – they had cut down a tree in their backyard and a giant chunk of wood was left behind. A group of us tried to move it by hand without any luck, then we used physics and geometry – plus a tire jack and a big ass truck+rope – to first haul it over to a burn pile and then onto the pile itself. Well, mostly.

Then came the oil, gasoline, fire and then – disturbingly – more gasoline before it was roaring. I suspect it will burn for days.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes for UA. I’m bringing my lunch since I don’t want to brave the student union or drive anywhere. It’s going to be pretty crazy. I’m glad the crush of students is back – the summer is too quiet.

Time for a little folding, some tv, then an early night.

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