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wtf ballet, tv mount snafu

Went to the final ballet in the park this weekend. It was… uneven. Started out with a terrible vending experience. In line forever, over-priced soda in a can, and the vending maven was reluctant to give me change. When the show started, I was pretty excited. The first “act” was a kodo style drummer. Really impressive. There was another dancer that did a Capoeira style dance. And another that did a lively dance all over the stage in a shaggy costume. But the rest…

The dancers also sang, but not well. The other dances were uneven and disjointed. And there was way too much tap – including a tap off. Also a spoken word that was terribly out of place.

And the crowd was terrible. Someone lit a cigar. Another took photos. And the three women behind us would not shut up. I finally got up and told them that their voices were carrying. Which was nicer than they deserved.

The show went on and on. And the evening got chilly.

I was cranky – and admitted that to the people I was with. So, I adapted to the cold by taking off my shirt – mind over temp – and I adapted to being cranky by calming myself down. Well, as much as I could.

When we left, some older woman in a Buick tried to cut us off. I swore in her general direction – which didn’t help but made me feel a little better.

I had a coke to help with a headache while I was there and that interfered when I eventually did try to go to sleep. Not a great evening overall – but it didn’t turn me completely off the ballet.

Today, we hung out with my former co-worker and his super awesome family. We had lunch and then worked on some projects – including mounting his 50 inch TV to the wall. He explained that the brackets that came with the mount that weren’t long enough to fit his TV. So, we would need to cut a board, mount that to the TV, then mount the bracket to the board and to the wall. He got the board cut at his neighbors and we drilled holes in the board to get ready for the bolts. We needed new longer bolts so we went to the hardware store. Then back again because we had the wrong size. The holes had to be drilled out to make them fit the TV.

Finally, it was time to mount the board to the TV. We realized that the bracket was in two pieces – and the extra piece would make it long enough to fit the TV.

We didn’t need the bolts, either trip to the hardware store, the board – any of it. In a matter of a few minutes, we had mounted the TV to the wall. Total waste of time – but we still had fun. 🙂

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