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ballet, groundhog, confused cat

Went to the ballet again last weekend and this was a much better performance. Or, at least, more engaging. I doubt I’m even approaching being an accurate judge of this sort of thing – but it was more fun. The downside? People in the crowd. We had folks that got there late and tried to sit in the front. Folks on scooters that nearly ran others over as they jockeyed for position. Two women and at least one kid sitting behind us that would not stop talking. And one woman brought her two dogs with her and they would not shut up.

Pro-tip: Dogs don’t appreciate ballet. Please make a note of that.

Speaking of animals, I’ve got a groundhog living in my backyard. Or if he’s not living there, he’s a frequent visitor. I can see him from my office window on the second floor of my house – Thunder(cat) is fascinated by him as well. The groundhog tends to hang out near the garage, but on one occasion tried to climb the weeds near my pine tree. Apparently he forgot that a) You can’t climb a weed since they won’t support the weight of a groundhog (and “hog” does not imply light-weight”) and b) “ground” hogs are not climbers.

He seemed embarrassed when the weed fell over and took off for a while.

In other news… I’ve been playing quite a bit of Minecraft. Here’s one sequence of actions I did:

Chopped down a tree to get wood. Crafted the wood to planks and the planks to sticks. Used the sticks and planks to craft a pickax. Used the pickax to mine stone. Used the stone and the sticks to make a sword. Used the sword to kill a spider (big spider!) and gathered string. Used the string and sticks to make a fishing rod. Used the fishing rod to catch a fish. Used the fish to lure and tame an ocelot and turn it into a pet cat.

The virtual cat followed me back to my virtual castle and moved in. He’s a lot like my real cat in that he gets into stuff and can teleport.

However, my real cat is confused. The cat in the game will meow and Thunder(cat) will walk back and forth between the speakers to try and find the “other cat”. After a few tries at this, he stopped and looked at me – then went to another room.

Thunder(cat) was not amused.

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