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new computer, tumble, headache

My new computer came in last week and I spent a little time this past weekend getting it set up. It’s a windows 8/Dell machine and to my surprise it doesn’t suck quite as much as expected. I was able to get to the internet and play minecraft – and that’s all I needed at the start. It’s way faster than my old machine and very quiet.

Also over the weekend I went for a hike with my friend and his dogs.

I had control of one of the dogs – and by “control” I mean that I had one of the leash and the other was attached to the dog’s collar.  We did well going up the uneven terrain of the hill, but poorly going back down.

The dog pulled me at one point when I wasn’t prepared and down I went. I’m pretty sure I pulled off a really impressive roll at some point in the fall and ended up flat on my back – with my head further down the hill than my feet. I managed to hang onto the leash and the dogs were all over me. Finally got the dogs away from me and really… all I wanted to do was lay there for a minute.

But I got up and assessed the damage. My hands were dirty, but the skin was unbroken. My back was dirty too. My knee fared worst of all – I had some blood running down my leg. I rinsed it off with some water, checked to see if I could still move it properly, and I took one of the dogs again as we headed out.

I got my knee cleaned up when I got home. What had looked like a terrible injury was really just a small scrape – easily covered with a single band-aid. My knee is a little sore today, but I’m walking fine and will hit the pool this afternoon as I do every weekday.

Went to bed with a headache last night and still had it when I woke up at 3 am to use the bathroom. I took some advil and went back to bed. While I was trying to go back to sleep, Thunder(cat) hopped up onto the bed and we settled in for a game of “Don’t startle the cat”. He lay partly on my chest and purred for all he was worth while he got comfortable. The purring settles down as he settles, but if he gets startled – by anything, really – he revs back up. Which means I have to be pretty much motionless. I was almost asleep when he got up to go do whatever it is that cats do at night – and then fell the rest of the way asleep shortly after that.

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