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nightmare, pool dimensions, magic wand, flipping cat, the blogess

Had a horrible nightmare last night – straight out of HP Lovecraft. I was in a house with stairs that led down to a series of sub-basements. There were two sets of stairs leading down from the first floor – if you took the “clockwise” set, you were fine. If you took the “counter-clockwise” set, then you would be shunted into another dimension and these giant eyeballs with tentacles would reach down from the walls and sting you like a jellyfish. I knew that the counter-clockwise stairs were dangerous, but I couldn’t convince anyone else. Finally, I gave up and led an expedition down – knowing it was a one way trip. We got past the eyeball-jellyfish and the next floor was deserted – but one more flight down and something horrible overwhelmed us. I don’t remember what it was, but it was fatal.

I woke up, was grateful that the bathroom is on the same floor as my bedroom, peed (in the bathroom, though I considered just wetting the bed so I didn’t have to get up), and went back to bed and eventually sleep.

I haven’t read anything really scary in a while – not sure where this came from.

In other news… I was remarking to one of my friends the other day that I had hauled ass in the pool in one session and had a leisurely swim another – with a shorter time when I was leisurely swimming. Didn’t really make sense to me – he remarked that maybe I wasn’t going as fast I thought I was on the hauling ass day. I replied,

“Maybe. Or maybe someone changed the dimensions of the pool overnight,”

He looked at me for a moment and asked, “do you really believe that someone could do that?”

I shrugged and replied that it was no more improbable than Leprechauns or aliens or time travel or ghosts. (ed note: the first time I tried to type Leprechauns, it spell-checked to Republicans. Which, in context, is hilarious)

I guess I pretty much believe in everything – I just don’t take things that can’t be proved with science very seriously (like Republicans – I mean, Leprechauns).  I mean, why not? It’s all just varying degrees of improbability anyway. Makes things much more interesting.

Which leads me to a project I worked on last night. I spent a little time “lacquering my magic wand”.

No, not like that. I actually do have a magic wand (made of wood, naturally – zing!) that is part of my Armory of Unlikely Weapons. Lightsaber, sonic screwdriver, Ocarina of Time, Blue Lantern Power Ring, the Grasscutter, etc.

Anyway, I had found an interestingly shaped twig, removed the bark and stained it – but never got around to lacquering it. So, I did that last night.

Then I played a game on my phone for a bit and stopped to check facebook – which apparently made the power go out. When I closed the app, the power came back on a few moments later. When I tried it again, blink! power goes out.

I took that as a sign and went to bed.
In Thunder(cat) news… A few days ago I was sitting on the couch and out of the corner of my eye I saw a cat-shaped and cat-colored object leap into the air, do a flip, and then totally stick the landing. Thunder had been chasing a fly, I think, when he pulled off this amazing feat.

I turned to him and said, “That was f*cking awesome!” He licked his paw nonchalantly and gave me a look as if to say, “That was nothing, I do flips like that all the time when you aren’t home. I’m a cat, stupid,”  And then he walked away.

I could have done without the attitude, but it was still impressive.

Finally, just finished the book, “Let’s pretend this never happened,” by Jenny Lawson – also known as the The Blogess.

Amazing, moving, hilarious, and surprisingly deep. I highly recommend it to anyone who isn’t bothered by frequent f-Bombs – Jenny drops a lot of them. 🙂

Anyway, here’s the link to her blog – go check it out and enjoy.

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