Site icon Thunder of Wade

dark matter, ajuga, time-machine, lawn

I like dogs. And children. I think both species are a lot of fun and I enjoy being an uncle to both – provided that I don’t have to have any real responsibility while they are in my care. Other than the standard “death/injury prevention”. Along with this is a fairly strict “no-poop” clause that I’ve been able to maintain for a number of years.

However, having a pet of my own means that this no-poop clause is no longer viable.

I am now responsible for someone else’s poop.

Just like work.

Ha! I kill me.

And let me tell you, that cat can poop. I haven’t taken official measurements, but I’m pretty sure he is excreting more than he takes in. Which, I know, should be impossible.

However, giving the staggering amount I find in his litter box, my only conclusion is that he is somehow tapping into an alternative dimensional source for this “dark matter”. I’ll post another update once I’ve done some SCIENCE!
In other news… when I was a kid we had some really amazing ground cover in part of the yard. It had purple and green leaves and was very springy – especially on small bare feet. My mom always called it CPS – Creeping Purple Stuff. Turns out – not the official name. I’ve been looking for this since I’ve got my own yard and finally figured out what it is.

Ajuga reptans

Might make for an interesting experiment in my yard – provided I can keep it under control. Or I can try and mutate it so that it can pilot a giant fighting robot in the shape of a lizard. Hey, it’s not the weirdest idea I’ve come up with today.

Work news… Much of the same, except that a couple of my colleagues started talking about a Time Machine function for the website. This would give us a snapshot of the whole website at set intervals. The cool bit was how they immediately defered to me on any Time Travel related decisions – since I’ve the resident Master of Space and Time. We aren’t far enough along in the project for me to request the proper permits, but I’m glad they included me.

Finally, over the weekend, I mowed my yard. And while I guess I don’t really mind it, I apparently have developed some speculator allergies. I nearly knocked myself over sneezing a few times. I took some meds today and I’m alright now, but I wonder if – given the amount of mucus I was producing – I might be developing a super power. If I expose myself to more allergens I might be able to produce super-human levels of mucus – or convert INTO mucus. That would be awesome and – admittedly – really gross.

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