Site icon Thunder of Wade

committee, late dinner, missed swim, bomb shelter, sushi, migraine, games

I got elected as the Vice-Chair to the Staff Employee Advisory Committee last week. Ran unopposed, which I’m choosing to take as a compliment from my peers rather than “nobody else wanted to do it”. I’ve got some ideas for the committee and lots of work to do there, but I think it will be worth it.

On Friday, met up with some friends for coffee and a late dinner at Wally Waffle. I had a chicken sandwich and it was just “okay”. Maybe the waffles are amazing, I couldn’t tell you.

On Saturday, up bright and early to hit the pool. Except it was closed and I didn’t realize it until I had already gotten there. I even tried at the RecCenter and they wouldn’t let me in without a membership – though I’ve done this before when the main pool was closed. I was disappointed; I had hoped to get caught up a little or at least hold my ground since the pool would be closed for memorial day.

Instead, went to the Bomb Shelter in Akron. This is a really weird and cool store – like the basements and attics of some interesting people all rolled into one warehouse. I hit some serious sensory overload but managed to get out of there having only bought a circuit board master and some spoons for a wind-chime. I’ll totally have to go back there one of these days.

On Sunday, dinner with friends at the Golden Dragon. The sushi was excellent, but the orange chicken left something to be desired. I also started getting a hellacious migraine while we were eating. I managed to get through dinner, turned over my keys to my friend, and got myself to a darkened room as quickly as possible. I got up briefly to throw up, then back to bed to sleep it off. Haven’t had one of these in a while – wish I knew what triggered them.

On Monday, brunch at Bob Evans – which was an intense experience. Never been to a Bob Evans that was this busy. I guess it was the holiday and the poor weather. Next stop was Gamestop where I picked up BioShock Infinite. I played that a bit on Monday, then went back to Dishonored to cause some more mayhem. Did some reading and hung out with the cat – then got some pizza hut.

A busy weekend, though I would have preferred – like every other Ohioan – to be outside for memorial day.

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