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game night, helping move, paring knife, cold

I co-hosted game night for some friends on Saturday. Ended up being 18 people – including my cat (who was remarkably okay with the mass of people). We played games, ate pizza and chicken, and some of the younger guests did some coloring. And the after-party clean up only took about 1/2 an hour. Which was kinda of amazing. It was fun, but I was stressing about the event for several days beforehand. Now that my house and I have been initiated, I think I’ll worry less about the next time it comes around to me. Big thanks to Jim for co-hosting and helping me keep things on track.

On Sunday, I helped two of my friends move their family to a new and much bigger house. The bulk had already been done, but there were still beds and furniture to move. It took a good part of the morning, up and down stairs, but we got everything they wanted to move for the day loaded up. Then it was on to the new house to help unload. One of the last things I did was help set up the “big girl bed” for one of their daughters so she could get a much needed nap. Kind of a nice way to know that I helped them really settle in.

On an unrelated note, I was in Sears recently and some guy’s voice came over the loud speaker (emphasis on “loud”) and proclaimed that in 2 minutes they would be giving away super sharp paring knives in the housewares department to everyone over the age of 21. I know what he said because he was loud and repeated himself in a slooow and boooring monononotone. Two minutes later, he was back on the air to let us know we needed to head on over to housewares to get our free super sharp paring knives. Instead, we left before everyone in Sears was armed.

Finally, the recent “heatwave” had me in a springtime mood and I got out and mowed my yard and did some weeding. I didn’t switch out the storm windows for screens, but I did wash and put away the comforter on my bed. A sheet is usually just enough for me from spring to fall.

And that was a mistake. The cold came back and the last couple nights have been really uncomfortable. Do I turn up the heat? No, haven’t done that all winter. Do I get the comforter back out? No, I washed it and have it put away – feels like admitting defeat to get it back out.

Instead, I’ve bundled up before going to bed and generally not sleeping well. I thought my stubborn-ness would be enough to keep me warm, but it’s not working. Thunder(cat) has been trying to help, but I can’t get him to sleep on my always cold feet. He either gets right up next to my head and purrs loud enough to wake the dead or he snuggles in at the crook of my arm. Which is nice, but “My arms aren’t cold, Thunder(cat)!” He doesn’t care because he’s a cat.

If it gets cold again tonight, I’m getting the comforter back out – which means that tomorrow night should be a heat wave.

Eh, life in Ohio.

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