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not quite 100%, but better

Busy day at work, then off to the doctor. I amazed the people in the waiting room with some origami, then did the weight and blood pressure thing with a super cool and nice nurse. Top notch. The doctor came in and asked me some questions, then they had me do the BP again – laying down, sitting, and standing. Then they did an EKG. It took far longer to get set up than to actually run and I joked with the nurse about the sticky sensors and chest hair. She said she hoped they would stick without having to shave patches of my chest – they did.   The doctor came back in after the test was done and said everything looked fine.


I have a little fluid in my ear. Might be an ear infection or may just be residual pool water.
My BP, pulse, and EKG were fine.
No other symptoms except a headache that won’t away. The doc prescribed an allergy med to see if that helps and an dizziness medication called Antivert (which sounds like a fictional Star Trek particle)

He also said I should get blood work so I went down the hall for that. The tech sat me down and folded down the arm of the chair on one side so I could rest my arm. She drew the blood and even though I’ve given blood tons of times, this time made me dizzy. She looked at me and asked if I was okay. I told her “No, not really. I came in for dizziness and just had a wave of it again,”

She hopped up, folded down the other arm of the chair (so I didn’t fall out) and told me to just take a moment. She left small room and then came right back with a cold can of coke for me. It was the nicest thing anyone had done for me all day and even though she was just doing her job, it was very kind. I drank some of the sugary soda and did feel better. She gave me a smile and sent me on my way.

Next stop was the pharmacy and that did not go as well. I had wandered around for a bit after turning in my Rx, then headed back to the counter. The pharmacist announced my last name as she put the meds in the “ready to go” basket (I just made up that name). The techs didn’t hear her or were too busy. I stood there, waiting, when my phone rang. It was an automated message from the pharmacy that I was standing in to tell me that my Rx was ready. Which I already knew and I had been waiting on. The message told me I could stop by and pick it up at my convenience.

In my head, I shouted back at the computer: “I’m standing right here, dumbass!”

But of course I didn’t say it out loud. One of the techs wandered over and then finished the transaction – and I was on my way again.

I’m better, I guess, this evening. Very tired, not 100%, and still slightly wobbly in the head. I’ll start the meds tomorrow and see how it goes. I’m guessing it’s a minor ear infection or allergies (though I’m otherwise fine) or some kind of perfect storm of too much exercise and caffeine and not enough food.

I’ll keep track of this and the doc said he would call if the blood work showed anything – and that I should come back next week if I’m not better.

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