I’ve some issues with my blog recently, hence the lack of posts. Couple newsworthy items:
1. My cat is awesome. I had some people over and demonstrated how he comes when I call “Thunder(cat)! Hooooooooo!” He’s still a Little Furry Bastard at times, but he’s MY Little Furry Bastard.
2. I’m hosting a game night this Saturday. First time I’ve hosted a party at my house and planning the food and entertainment – and getting all the cleaning done – is going to occupy much of the rest of my week.
3. I’ve had some recent issues with dizziness recently. Over the past few months, I’ve had a few dizzy spells – usually after a fast swim. They would pass quickly and I didn’t think anything of it.
Yesterday, I got a little dizzy at work. It was near the end of the day and it was 80 degrees in the office. Figured I’d feel better after my swim. In the pool, I stopped at the shallow end and was panting after a fast lap – and got a little dizzy for a moment. Figured I needed to slow down and regulate my breathing a bit. After the swim, I got dizzy while I was rinsing my goggles.
(I just accidentally typed “googles” there. Geek!)
Figured I had just worn myself out – though it lasted a little longer than previous ones.
Now, at this point, someone who is not an adult male would have started to see a pattern. But, even with all this evidence, I pretty much just dismissed it all.
Went out to eat last night and got massively dizzy after ordering my food. To the point where I would have fallen over had I tried to stand up. It got slightly better, but I was still somewhat dizzy for the rest of my meal. Never passed out, but not from lack of trying. By the time I was done and had to go to the bathroom, I was mobile and able to walk a straight line. I got a ride home and was pretty much recovered before bed – though I could feel myself putting forth more effort to stay balanced.
This morning, I called and got an appointment to see my doctor today. I’m feeling much better – but it’s worth checking out. I’m guessing it was too much caffeine and too much effort in the pool along with overheating in the office – but I thought I had enough to eat and I stayed pretty well hydrated yesterday. There’s also a lingering, low-level, headache that won’t quite go away. So, ever so slightly worried and a trip to the doctor is a good idea.
I’ll update after my doctor visit this afternoon. Until then, plenty of water, sugary snacks, a fan on full blast, and hopefully a quiet day at work.