Site icon Thunder of Wade

Life goal achieved

Living in Ohio, chapstick is nearly as essential as air and a series of jackets on hand to adapt to the endlessly variable – but usually cold – weather.

However, I’m really bad about keeping track of my chapstick. I either lose it or accidentally destroy the tube long before I use it all up. Or occasionally both when I leave it in my pocket and send it through the washer and dryer.

This chapstick – or “lip balm”, to be precise – was lime flavored. And that delicious smell/flavor encouraged me to keep track of it .  The label wore away from repeated handling, but the contents lasted. I don’t know how long it took me, but I managed to finish it. The lip balm is now below the level of the rim and will no longer rise when the end is turned.

It’s done. I finally finished a full tube of lip balm.

Just goes to show you what you can accomplish when you put your mind to something.

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