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Yesterday, while I was at work, I started to get a vague sense of unease.  That vague  unease soon turned into a distortion in my vision.  I’ve heard this called an “aura” – but that’s bullshit.  An aura is glow surrounding a person or object.  This was a sparkling effect in my field of vision.  It started as an oblong that expanded and then went out.  The distortion was gone, but my visual centers weren’t processing everything.  I was already in the grip of a migraine.

I took an ibruprophen early on – hoping I could get a handle on it since I had an important meeting late in the afternoon.  I went and got some food and ate that quickly – reasoning that I was likely to be throwing up before too long and it hurts way less than with food than on an empty stomach.  Also, there’s a odd sense of accomplishment that way.  Sorry.

I was doing okay with dim lights and my monitor at 50% – but then the nausea kicked in.  Past time to send an apologetic email and head home.  My head was hurting pretty bad, but the vision was back to normal. I made my way carefully home and went right to bed.

Then got up a few minutes later to make myself throw up.    For me, I don’t really start getting better from one of these until I’ve tossed my lunch and once that was done I had a sore throat and a sore back – but I was finally settled enough to get some sleep.

I slept the rest of the day away and got up after one of my friends stopped over to check on me.  I fixed some dinner, did dishes and laundry, and some paperfolding before putting myself to bed.   I’m much better today and was back to the pool today.

I wish I knew what the trigger was for me.  I also need to get some stronger drugs and take them earlier in the cycle.  It’s been a couple of years since I had one of these and I guess I got lulled into a false sense of security.    You win this round, migraine, but I’ll be ready next time.

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