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the shack, brutality

My cell phone battery has been giving me some problems, so I went to radio shack to get a replacement.  I walked in, waited until the clerks stopped talking to each other and acknowledged that I existed, then produced the battery and said  I needed a replacement for my cell phone.   The clerk took the battery as he walked back to the counter and asked what company I was with.  I didn’t understand why that mattered, but I answered him and he replied:

“Before we get you going with a battery, how about we check to see we can get you out of your contract and get you a new phone?”

Well, I give him props for the epic amount of “up-selling” he tried to do, but I raised an eyebrow at him for the attempt and said I just wanted the battery.

Turns out they don’t have it in stock, but they can order it for me – and ship it to my house. I proceed to give him my address and then the phone number – though I told him that it wouldn’t do much good until I had a new battery.

He didn’t get it.

He then asked for my email and I politely told him I would rather not give that out.  He insisted it was for the order confirmation – though I’m pretty sure the receipt he was going to print out would do that job.  I gave him the address and made a silent vow that the first bit of spam I got from them would result in a scathing response.

The battery should be here in a few days, but of course my current battery charged up normally and my phone is fine.

In other brutal news, I had a dentist appointment this morning.  I was once again amazed at the low level of technology they use.  Metal picks, string, grit, water pressure?   Where are the fricking lasers?  Ultrasonics?    My teeth and jaw didn’t hurt beforehand, but they sure did afterward  – and still do this afternoon.    Oh, and I don’t floss enough.

So, short day at work and looking forward to the weekend.  I plan on some serious relaxing – starting right after my swim this afternoon.

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