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apology, yard, journey

I got a call from my mom the other day.  She was working on a scrapbook of me from when I was in grade school and said she had been working up the courage to call me and apologize for what she said after I got back from Jeff’s funeral.  I was a little taken aback, but she was heartfelt and sincere and it did me a world of good.  We talked for a bit about how she wants to have Easter at her place this year and how I should encourage my sister to go along with that.  It was a good conversation and I felt much better after we talked.

I’ve been busy around the homestead.   Started a compost pile behind my garage and bought a manual lawn mower.  People have told me it’s a lot of work, but I didn’t think it was a big deal.  It doesn’t do a great job on the grass, but that may have been me still learning the nuances.

I got my living room re-arranged and I’ve got a lot more seating there now.  Got the Wii set up and updated – thinking about a new game this weekend.

Speaking of games, I played an amazing game called Journey.  The character is a wanderer in a desert, trying to reach a mountain in the distance.  I finished it last night and realized it was a beautiful and rich allegory for life.  Just amazing.  I teared up at the end and can’t wait to play again.

Still more work to do around the house this weekend – I find myself enjoying staying busy.

Oh, and in other news, I wore my kilt today.  It got up to 84 degrees in the office yesterday and I thought that I should make the most of casual Friday today.  Until I see an official dress code, I’m just going to roll with it.

Besides, I have nice legs.

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