Why "The Master of Space and Time"?

There was a book from quite a few years ago by Rudy Rucker with the same title about a couple of guys who used sub-atomic particles to grant themselves incredible powers over all reality.

I thought the book was okay, but it must have really stuck in my head because a couple of years ago I had an incredible vivid dream that I had somehow been granted these same powers and with a whim, I could re-order the universe.

In the dream I was in a classroom playing pranks with the space (moving the students around by warping the space around their desks) and time (speeding up time for the teacher only so that they sounded like a chipmunk).

The dream was so vivid that when I woke up, I was convinced it was true. That I was really the Master of Space and Time. One glance at the alarm clock and I decided that I would simply alter time to give myself a couple more hours to sleep. I turned off my alarm and rolled over - almost immediately falling back asleep.

An hour or so later, my internal clock went off and I woke up with a feeling of disquiet. I looked at the alarm and reality came crashing down. It was all just a dream and I was now, officially, really late for work.

I think I may have broken some laws of physics in getting ready and getting to work - certainly some traffic laws were bruised or flat-out broken. When I arrived, my boss asked me if everything was okay, since I was obsessively punctual at the time. I sheepishly explained the dream and she laughed, saying it was the best excuse she'd ever heard.

I worked late that day to make up for it and everything was cool. Since then, I've taken on the title unofficially. Occasionally someone will ask me for a little extra vacation time or a lunch hour that lasts two days so they can get more errands done.

I've considering trying to codify the rules governing this kind of power, but I'm concerned that I'll take it to heart and believe it again. I'm less obsessed about punctuality than I had been, might convince myself to sleep though an entire day.

Incidentally, I understand there's a movie based on the book in production - keep in mind that I was there first.

Oh, and one of my colleagues managed to send an email with a time stamp one-minute in the future. She thinks she should share the title - but she's wrong. :)

more cosmic weirdness...