polarBearJump 2016

On February 20, 2016, I was back for a fourth time for the 13th Annual Portage Lakes Polar Bear Jump.

It was 65 degrees that day. Well, at least the air was. The water looks a wee bit colder.

Not bad for 43, eh? And the blue beard wasn't the oddest thing at the lake that day, by far.

Work it. The beard matched the speedos. BAM!

The Leap. Even knowing what to expect cannot prepare a person for how cold that water is.

I hit the water, caught my breath, and did a flip. Then I headed for the ladder.

After getting out of the water, I headed back to the beach to meet up with my folks. Except, they were looking for me at the tent. By the time we met up, I had air-dried. :) I got dressed and we all went for hot chocolate and doughnuts.